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abode App 5.2
abode is thrilled to roll out version 5.2 of the abode app to all users today. This update enhances the ability to view timeline events and unlocks abode within widgets and shortcuts for iOS 14 users.
New and improved timeline
Users can now filter their timelines via multiple different criteria to get the view most important to them. Dates, event types, and device types and groups are all available to filter by. Use these filters to piece together exactly what happened during a break in or check what time you got home last Thursday.
iOS Widgets
iOS 14 users can now take full advantage of widgets that allow for checking of system and individual device status as well as viewing an image from their security camera. Users will get peace of mind at a glance every time they open up their phone by knowing their system is in the status that they left it.
iOS Shortcuts
abode has unlocked abilities within Shortcuts that give users the ability to manage their system mode, manage an active alarm, or run their favorite quick action. Use these actions on their own or as part of a larger Shortcut. Users can now respond to an active alarm situation without even having to open the abode app. You can also make use of Siri voice commands by creating a shortcut to a quick action and then asking Siri to run the shortcut for you.
These are just the beginning of many planned app updates in 2021. We cannot wait to share them with you as they become a reality.